# Field Property

The basic usage of the Form object as explained on Getting started section is very good for simple cases.

import { Form } from 'form-wrapper-js'

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      form: Form.create({
        name: null,

But there is cases that you will want to set up some configuration to the field, like: label, rules (validation rules) and extra. for this purpose there is another way you can declare a form field.

import { Form } from 'form-wrapper-js'

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      form: new Form({
        name: {
          value: null,
          label: 'My super Name',
          rules: [
            // validation rules will be here
          extra: {
            // any thing you like

rules has covered in another section: validation. in this section we will dig into the other field properties.

# Value property


value is the only field that is require when you declare a field as an object.

The value property will hold the initial value of the field:

  name: {
    value: null, // null is the initial property of `name`

// same as

  name: null,

# Label property

The label property is the display name of you field. the label will be used in validation error messages. you can also use it in your code:

const form = Form.create({
  name: {
    value: null,
    label: 'Your name',
  last_name: null,

form.$labels.name // -> 'Your name'
form.$labels.last_name // -> 'Last name'

As you can see if label is not exists in the field, the library will generate a default one (uppercase the first word and every underscore will become a space)

# Extra Property

"extra" property will be used to anything that related to the field, and can be useful later in the code, One good example for that is an options property. field options can be declared and used later in the template.

  <select v-model="form.job_title">
      v-for="option in form.$extra.job_title.options" 
    > {{ options.label }} </option>

<script >
import { Form } from 'form-wrapper-js'

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      form: Form.create({
        job_title: {
          value: null,
          extra: {
            options: [
              { value: 1, label: 'Developer' },
              { value: 2, label: 'Manager' },

It is important to understand that you can set any property you like in extra.

As we say before rules property will be cover later on validation section.

# Adding and removing fields

When you need to add or remove fields dynamically from your form, there is 4 methods that can help you with that.

  1. Add single field
import { Form } from 'form-wrapper-js' 

const form = Form.create({email: null})

form.$addField('first_name', null)

// Or

form.$addField('last_name', {
  value: null,
  label: 'Somthing',

form.$values() // -> { email: null, first_name: null, last_name: null }

  1. Add a number of fields
import { Form } from 'form-wrapper-js' 

const form = Form.create({ email: null })

  first_name: null,
  last_name: {
    value: null,
    label: 'The last name',

form.$values() // -> { first_name: null, last_name: null, email: null }
  1. Remove a field
import { Form } from 'form-wrapper-js' 

const form = Form.create({ first_name: null, last_name: null })


form.$values() // -> { last_name: null }
  1. Remove a number of fields:
import { Form } from 'form-wrapper-js' 

const form = Form.create({ first_name: null, last_name: null, email: null })

form.$removeFields(['first_name', 'last_name'])

form.$values() // -> { email: null }