# Interceptors

Before we started, this module inspired by axios, so big thanks to axios contributors.

# What interceptors are?

$interceptors are basically methods that are injected into the submission process, some of them comes before the submission and some of them comes after. the library letting creates your custom $interceptors. here are some basic examples.

Let say your server side endpoint returns an errors on submission and you wants to fill the $errors property with those errors, the simple solution is to doing something like that:

import axios from 'axios' 

export default {
  methods: {
    async submit() {
      try {
        await this.form.$submit(
          () => axios(
            // ...
      } catch ({ error: { response } }) {
        if (response && response.status && response.status === 422) {

This behavior can be repeat from form to form, to prevent this duplication we can use $interceptors.

// /form/Form.js
import { Form } from 'form-wrapper-js'

  ({ error: { response }, form }) => {
    if (response && response.status && response.status === 422) {

// In a Vue component
export default {
  methods: {
    async submit() {
      await this.form.$submit(
        () => axios(
          // ...

# How to use it?

For now there are 2 types of interceptors: beforeSubmission and submissionComplete.

  • beforeSubmission runs before the form submission like validation (default interceptor).
  • submissionComplete runs after the submission is complete like the above example (server side errors)

To use interceptors you will need to call the use method, the first function argument will be called if the everything goes OK e.g: the submission passes. the second one will be called if something went wrong e.g: the submission fail.

You can set default interceptors that will affect on every new instance of Form.

import { Form } from 'form-wrapper-js'

Form.defaults.interceptors.submissionComplete.use(({ response, form }) => {
  console.log('submission success! with response:', response);
}, ({ error, error }) => {
  console.log('submission failed! with error:', error);

Form.defaults.interceptors.beforeSubmission.use(form => {
  console.log('values of the form before submission', form.values());

You can also use interceptors after the Form instantiated.

const form = Form.create({
  name: null,

form.$interceptors.submissionComplete.use(({ response }) => {